I remember way back, during my stay in Germany, we only had a few channels and they were all different varieties of the same Armed Forces Network. They had the cheesiest commercials you would ever see in your life. Ever. There was one commercial in particular that always made me giggle. A cartoon mom is busy with her day to day. The kids are playing, she's making dinner, paying bills and doing a fantastic job of adulting. Then she's on the phone. We all know what children do when mommy's on the phone. The children start horse paying right under her nose. She asks politely several times for them to go play elsewhere, but it had no effect. Then, seemingly out of nowhere she turns into the dreaded momster. The commercial then directs you to the numerous services to help you control your anger and develop peaceful parenting skills.
As hilarious as the commercial is, it's only funny because it strikes a chord with most mom's out there. If it doesn't, I commend you but, you aren't human. Seriously. I understand the peaceful approach to parenting and I truly try to utilize it. There are times, however, mid tantrum, when my own temper overcomes me. I have found my boiling point and I yell. Ultimately, I feel guilty afterwards for losing my cool. I have become the dreaded momster.
You know the one. It's the woman who had barely rolled out of bed and hasn't had a cup of coffee yet. It's the mom that just went to bed an hour ago because the baby just feel asleep and the older child just peed her bed for the 5th time that week. It's a real Jekyll and Hyde situation. Be real, we can all be momsters at times.
I didn't start out this way when I first started my mothering journey. I told myself I wasn't going to be that mom. The one you see scolding her preschooler in the aisles of Walmart. I was cool and collected. Then there were two... Then three. And by the time the third came, there went my cool right out the window.
Now, I'm not saying my house is filled with the sound of mom yelling constantly. It's not. We play barbies and boardgames and watch Dora the Explorer. We go to the park and have tickle fights. Most of the time, being a parent is fun! What I am saying is that when my four year old is kicking her door, my three year old wants one more TV show and my one year old refuses to nap, all while I'm on the phone with the doctor, I can be a momster.
I've had to come to the realization that it's OKAY. I'm human. I will make mistakes. There is no such thing as a perfect parent and the only ones I've seen that claim to be are either sorely inexperienced or they're doing it wrong. I can't beat myself up for being fallible. I'm a mom and to my kids I'm Super Woman... even if I am the occasional momster.
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